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Even though COVID cases are down, we are still vigilant in keeping our campers safe.  We are excited to offer our fifth annual summer farm camp. We appreciate your patience and waiting with us, as we have waited for guidance and resources from national, state, and local experts and the American Camp Association regarding summer camp.  We have some important information to share with you and we will be updating all families prior to the start of camp with the most current protocols.    ​

outdoor summer farm camp in durham, nc

Kids can be safe and still have lots of fun.  Our farm staff have planned lots of fun activities that include natural social distancing.   Our days will be spent mainly outside pending no extreme weather (thunderstorms, tornado warnings, etc) .   

Before Camp Staff and children in the following categories may NOT participate in camp programs:  


  • Diagnosed with COVID-19 

  • Under orders to quarantine related to COVID-19 

  • Showing any symptoms related to COVID-19:  

        Fever of 100 or greater 


        Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 

        New loss of taste or smell 

        Vomiting or diarrhea,  


  • Living in the same household as, or providing care in a non-healthcare setting (such as home) for a person, with symptomatic lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection or showing any symptoms related to COVID-19.  

  • Close contact with a person with symptomatic lab-confirmed COVID-19 or showing any symptoms related to COVID-19. 

  • Have underlying health conditions that put them at high risk as defined by the CDC

  • Who live in the same household with someone who is in a high risk category as defined by CDC -  


Before arrival:  

  • Parents/guardians should be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19 and keep campers home if showing any signs of illness.  

  • Parents/guardians should monitor camper contact with others who may have COVID-19 symptoms and keep campers home if they meet the criteria listed above. 

  • Teach children proper handwashing techniques 

  • Acquire and teach children how to properly wear a cloth face covering. 

Screening Procedures 

All staff and campers must complete the Daily Screening Assessment each day prior to entering the program. 


  • Daily Screening Assessment: 

  • ❑ Do you, or any of the children you are dropping off, have a fever*, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, or new loss of taste or smell (vomiting or diarrhea, children only)?  

  • ❑ Have you, or any of the children you are dropping off, 

  • o Had any of these symptoms since the last time you were last here?  

  • o Have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, new or decreased sense of taste, vomiting, or diarrhea since the last time you were here? 

  • o Been tested for COVID-19? 

  • o Potentially been exposed** to COVID-19 or have reason to believe you/they have COVID-19?  

  • o Shared a home or been in close contact with anyone who has these symptoms, has been tested, or has reason to believe they’ve been exposed to COVID-19?   

  • ❑ Check-in personnel will make a visual inspection of the person for signs of infection such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, breathing irregularities, or irritability.   

  • Temperature is checked and recorded. 

  • *Fever is determined by a thermometer reading of 100 or higher or by subjective signs such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, headache, and not eating or drinking. 

  • **Exposure is sharing a household or having close contact with anyone with COVID-19 or having symptoms of COVID-19. 


Drop Off: Monday-Friday, at the designated area which will be marked 


  • Parents should remain in the car during the check-in process while they answer the daily screening assessment and camper temperatures are taken. 

  • Campers and Staff will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the program. 

  • Campers will be immediately placed in their small group. 

  • Hooks will be spread apart for campers to hang their backpacks and lunchboxes for storage. 

  • Parents dropping off late need to remain in the car and call our camp number which will be sent out to you. if they do not see any check-in staff outside. 


Pick Up: Monday-Friday, If parents are picking up early they must notify the camp at our camp phone number.  

  • Parents should remain in their vehicle, and the child will be placed in the vehicle.   

  • If parents don’t see any staff, they should call the phone number provided instead of leaving their vehicle.   

  • The staff member will sign out the camper on the clipboard.  


During The Day: 


  • Most activities will be done outdoors (as the weather allows).  

  • Children will be grouped according to age/grade as much as possible and will be in small groups. .

  • As much as possible, we will avoid activities that require campers and staff to touch hands or be in close contact with one another. Campers will be encouraged to maintain spacing between themselves.  

  • Staff will enforce increased handwashing and sanitizing throughout the day - before and after eating, using the restroom, and each program activity. 

  • Frequently touched surfaces will be routinely cleaned/sanitized throughout the day, and facilities cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day, using CDC-recommended cleaning products. 

  • Staff and campers will bring their lunch and snacks from home. They will eat outside at shaded picnic tables (as weather permits). Parents must send food that does not require refrigeration to remain safe to eat. 

  • In the case of inclement weather, campers will go inside the camp facilities. If numbers allow it, each small group will go inside a different room/facility.  

  • If you would like for your child to wear a mask please let us know. 

  • If a camper shows signs/symptoms of COVID-19 during the day at camp, their parent/guardian will be contacted. The camper will be monitored and isolated until the parent/guardian can pick them up. 


What If? 

  • If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 among campers or staff participating in the camp program, camper families will be notified by the camp. 

  • The camp will coordinate with Durham County Health Dept to determine a plan of action and next steps. 

  • ​We will continue to update these guidelines based on CDC recommendations and local and state directives. 

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